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FDC's of Kazakhstan
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F1 3rd 2006 (stamp with error)
F2 3rd 2006
F3 Andersen 2005
4.50 Euro
5.00 Euro
3.00 Euro
F4 Helmet 2006 (With the autograph of the author of the stamp)
F5 Dogs 2006
F6 Dogs 2006
2.50 Euro
4.00 Euro
F8 Europe 2005
F9 Europe 2006
1.60 Euro
4.60 Euro
F10 Football Germany 2006
F11 Hamidi 2006
F12 Joint issue with Mongolia 2006
2.60 Euro
2.00 Euro
F13 Opera theatre 2006 (With the autograph of the author of the stamp)
F14 New year 2007
F15 Catholic church & Synagogue 2006
1.00 Euro
1.10 Euro
F16 Space day 2004
F17 Space day 2006
F18 Zubanov 2006
1.55 Euro
F19 Victory WW II 2006
F20a Reptiles 1994
F20b Reptiles 1994